Assets and Liabilities

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You know what assets are, right? They’re what you own. And liabilities? What you owe.

That’s the traditional, “back-of-the-envelope” definition.

Could this definition not only be wrong, but seriously misleading and damaging?

I think so!


Cash: Accumulation or Flow?

Family banking advisors1 urge us to think of money in terms of cash flow–keeping it moving–instead of cash accumulation–saving it up, storing it in savings accounts, 401(k)’s, 403(b)’s, 529 Plans, and similar “Qualified” plans.

This mentality is very different from what I was taught growing up and throughout most of my adult life.

I’m not going to try to expose the cultural messages that lead us to accumulate. That will be for a different time. What I want to point out here is the difference between cash accumulation and cash flow. (more…)

With whom do you spend your time?

Who are your peers?

Someone has said, “If you’re always the smartest person in the room, you’re hanging out with the wrong crowd.” It’s the same in all of life. You want to surround yourself with those who are ahead of you on the path to which you have been called . . . so you can learn from them.

Yes, be a friend–a true friend–to those who need a helping hand. But invest time to be with those whose knowledge, skill, abilities and habits inspire you.

Remember: Be getting #Ready2Prosper. Always.

“Allow yourself to do it WRONG”

I’ve been following Darren Hardy for not quite three weeks, now. And this was his message this morning:

And my response (posted in public)?

Oh! …Oh! … Oh! NO!!! CAN I actually make my website work and post a first post? . . . It will be UGLY. It will lack brand IDENTITY. It will be TERRIBLE. (Though I would feel good about the quality of the post.)


But I need to DO IT. . . . And I HAVEN’T done it . . . for all the “reasons” stated.

Okay. Just DO IT, John! (I will have to report back tomorrow.)


I’m going to DO it.


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